Naturally Meramec

13th Anniversary of Ozark Fiber Fling – Meramec Baptist Retreat Center, Steelville

Naturally meramec

13th Anniversary of Ozark Fiber Fling – Meramec Baptist Retreat Center, Steelville

Event Date: November 3 to November 4, 2023

Meramec Baptist Retreat Center, 243 Highway AA, Steelville, Crawford

This two-day event, located in Steelville, Missouri at the Meramec Baptist Retreat Center, 243 Highway AA, is for anyone interested in the arts of spinning, weaving, felting, dyeing fibers and other heritage fiber-related crafts. This event is free and opened to the public to ship the vendors for supplies, tools, and finished goods, with classes offered for a modest fee. The vending room is also a great place to pick up handmade gifts and other items for the upcoming holidays.

Ozark Fiber Fling is a great opportunity to take a class and make it yourself. Classes are available for a modest fee per student per class. We encourage all of our students to pre-register to ensure a seat in the class they want to participate in. Friday’s classes start at 10:00 and end at 6:00 P.M. Afterwards, there is a social time where you can meet with teachers, fellow students and fiber producers. Saturday’s classes start at 9:00 A.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. For more information, on this year’s class offerings, go to or contact Ann Anderson at or 573-308-2758. If your are a teacher and would like to do a professional development through your school, contact Ann Anderson at for the forms. Ozark Fiber Fling is funded in part by a grant from the Missouri Sheep Merchandizing Council. Your check off dollars at work. 

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