Event Date: October 29 to October 30, 2020
Ozark Actors Theatre, Rolla, Phelps
OAT Radio Show – Rolla
The Cedar Street Players, the Community Theatre branch of Ozark Actors Theatre’s , are pleased to present the OAT Radio Show, October 29, and 30, and November 6 and 7, 2020.
This production promises to be safe and socially distanced at the Cedar Street Playhouse, and will be streamed online in an effort to continue providing live theatre to the community during these unprecedented times.
Join some of your favorite local OAT celebs as we travel back in time to the Golden Age of Radio–a time when the family gathered together around the fire and listened to that astounding new invention- the radio! OAT Radio Show will feature live music, comedy, mystery, and plenty
of family friendly Halloween horror!
Featured members of the cast include Dan Goff, Cindy Beger, Craig Phillips, Pam Wiedner, and Kevin Edwards, with Jo Walter joining in on the keyboard. Directed by St.Louis’s Lee Anne Mathews (director of OAT’s 2019 production of Mary Poppins ), it’s sure to be a night of fun
In order to keep our audience safe with distanced seating, a limited number of tickets will be available for each performance. We ask that masks be worn at all times while in the playhouse.
Not ready to get out and be around others? This performance will be available for streaming right from your home.
Access to streaming and tickets to attend LIVE can be purchased on the OAT website,
www.ozarkactorstheatre.org .
For further information, please contact Laura Light at lklight@ozarkactorstheatre.org or at 573-364-9523, ext. 1005