Naturally Meramec

Paint It Pink for Kathy – Meramec Vineyards, St. James

Naturally meramec

Paint It Pink for Kathy – Meramec Vineyards, St. James

Event Date: October 23, 2020

Event Time: 5-7 p.m.

Meramec Vineyards, St. James, Phelps

Our town lost a wonderful wife, mother, teacher and friend recently. Kathy was an inspiration to everyone who knew her, and fought an incredibly long hard battle with metastatic breast cancer with bravery and grace. We want to give back to her family and help support her daughter’s college fund during this difficult time of mourning. Wear PINK in support of Kathy. We will be selling Wine Slushie Pops for $5, 100% of sales will be donated. We also have a “Pink Drink” of our Blackberry Wine on tap and lemonade. 50% of sales will be donated from the sale of the Pink Drink. We will also have “Drink Wine” earrings for sale for $25 and 100% of sales will be donated. Donations welcome. Come have dinner, drinks and share stories of Kathy. Let’s Paint it Pink for her. 

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