Event Date: July 27 to July 31, 2020
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Rolla, Phelps
Staycation Bible School – Redeemer Lutheran Church, Rolla Rolla, MO—Redeemer Lutheran Church, Rolla, will be hosting Vacation Bible School now “SBS” (Staycation Bible School), a virtual summer 2020 experience for families July 27-31. SBS is for kids age 3 through 10; special activities for young teens are included as well. The theme is Focus: Take a Closer Look. Join us for the BEST week of summer as we focus on how we can hear, talk to, and live for God. Reserve your kit on Redeemer’s website or contact the church office by Sun., July 19 (RedeemerRolla.org/VBS). Kits contain a digital link to daily Bible stories, music CD, SBS shirt, and all supplies for crafts, games, prayer activities, mission focus, science fun, snacks and more. Kits are $10 per child and $20 family maximum. Payment may be made online or send payment to: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1701 Hwy 72, Rolla. Kits will be available for drive-thru pick up at Redeemer on July 25 and July 26 from 4-5pm. For more info, please contact the church office (573) 364-7071 or Brenda Heth, director, (573) 465-2475.