Business Name | Old Towne Antiques and More |
Contact Person | Jyoti Ishaya |
Contact Phone Number | 573-261-0368 |
Business Physical Address | 401 Schofer Street, Doolittle, MO |
Business Mailing Address (if different than above) | 1344 South Bishop av |
Business Phone | 5737622097 |
Business Email | |
Website URL | |
Primary Product/Service of Business | Old Towne Antiques is so much more than antiques. Yes, it’s a fabulous place to buy furniture, but it is also an I-44/Route 66 Attraction. It is mall-like, with 8 old western appearing buildings with about 200 vendors, here’s a sampling: vintage, collectibles, antiques |
Secondary Product/Service of Business | Old Towne has additional businesses on site. Old Towne Autos sells used cars for less and provides financing (Monday through Saturday) Appliance RX provides sells and services new and used appliances (Monday through Saturday) Old Man BBQ offers barbequed specialties and wood fire pizza on Friday’s and Saturday’s