Business Name | MadHouse Paints / MadHouse Bakes |
Contact Person | Tonya Alvey |
Contact Phone Number | (573) 743-6889 |
Business Physical Address | 123 White River Loop Rd |
Website URL | and |
Primary Product/Service of Business | Our primary focus is on healthier baked goods – specifically those that are low carb, sugar free, and gluten free (keto/Atkins/diabetic friendly). We also offer traditional baked goods – baked donuts, custom cakes, cupcakes, and gooey butter cake. We frequently attend the Rolla downtown farmer’s market. |
Secondary Product/Service of Business | Face and body art: face painting, including airbrushed face painting, airbrushed tattoos, and glitter tattoos. We attend festivals and are also available for private parties, corporate events, etc. |