Whether you take the scenic route on Highway 8 or the scenic route on Highway 47 to 10454 Pond Creek Road, Bonne Terre, you will find yourself at scenic Chicken and the Hare Farm. Once you get there, drive on up the lane to the Hen House Cannery and Goods, LLC. Owner Brandi Boyer will most likely be there waiting for you with a plethora of home-made, home-canned, home-raised, home-on-the-range offerings.
Open a little over a year now, the Boyers are doing it right. With the unique layout of an open, spotless commercial (inspected) kitchen, it feels as if you have stepped into Brandi’s personal kitchen with all the warmth and coziness that farm-life can bring. Easy to see the amount of care that goes into each product. Goods include everything from eggs to honey to coffee, to jams and jellies to fresh produce to unique gift items.
Now, I didn’t see a chicken OR a hare, but I am pretty sure they were hanging out somewhere, because this is definitely a place where they would want to hang out, with plenty of farm-ness that will certainly take me back again soon.
Go! The chicken and the hare are waiting. For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/HenHouseCannery.